About Me

Hi, I'm Mickey. I'm an adventurous character. Block Buster told me I was the biggest renter they had, until they shut down. I know my movies and have been watching them for 65 years, ever since my first western reel movie (Hop Along Cassidy). I've watched everything and anything ever since. These are my reviews.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Total Recall

Used my senior discount to see a remake of one of my favourite Sci Fi. pics. I expected  some improvement with 24 years between the two. Tipper, my dog, said wait for the DVD but  my family, psychotic movie goers from the US of A, hauled me to the theatre. There I was forced to eat popcorn which I am allergic to and I got a stomach ache from a humongous package of red liquorish. I sat back never to reach Mars.
Was it Blade Runner? No perhaps 5th. Element or I Robot. Oh wait,  it was Total Recall without Mars. Action wasn't bad but the new setting required a new title. Save your money and watch Arnie in the original.


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