About Me

Hi, I'm Mickey. I'm an adventurous character. Block Buster told me I was the biggest renter they had, until they shut down. I know my movies and have been watching them for 65 years, ever since my first western reel movie (Hop Along Cassidy). I've watched everything and anything ever since. These are my reviews.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Bourne Legacy


Hi movie fans, I'm down in the U.S. of A. and my psychotic movie going family once again dragged me to the theatre to see the fourth of of one of my favourite trilogies. Tipper has been left back in Medicine Hat . She would of liked this one as it has wolves. I won't tell tipper this but the wolves were really the only problem I had with this movie. This is simply because it would be easier to shove a small tracking devise up the butt of a rabbit than down the throat of a snarling  man-eating wolf. Action, action, action good old stunt ridding action, running through the streets jumping on bikes and cars it moved and maid sense, even without Jason. Aaron Cross, from Hurt Locker, was great as was Donna Murphy from the Mummy. Word of warning - If you are not up on your Bourne re watch before going, plots and characters run parallel and can be somewhat confusing. I'm sure Tipper would give this flick 5 paws up because of the wolves however it will only get 4 paws from me.

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