About Me

Hi, I'm Mickey. I'm an adventurous character. Block Buster told me I was the biggest renter they had, until they shut down. I know my movies and have been watching them for 65 years, ever since my first western reel movie (Hop Along Cassidy). I've watched everything and anything ever since. These are my reviews.

Monday 3 September 2012

I bought this flick on blue-ray to view at home, and I am glad I did. This is the type of movie I love to see over and over. Battleship was fun with a great soundtrack. AC/DC, Henry Mancini and Creedence Clearwater Revival amongst others gave us songs that fit the scenes played. This film did not play to good reviews when it came out. I sometimes think critics forget films, at times, need to supply one thing only - entertainment. Tipper and I felt that Battleship entertained us well. It came from a video game, so what, it had Rihanna in it, good for her, I personally liked her character. If you like first contact movies this one is as good as the next. As a old guy, I loved that they gave roles to a lot of seniors, tough old birds that can still hold their own, goes a long way with me. You sunk my battleship, are words we have not used for awhile but all remember. The game was fun for it's time and the movie is fun for this time. Tipper gives it 4 paws up.